The genetic and transcriptional basis of short and long term adaptation across multiple stresses in Escherichia coli is published in Molecular Biology and Evolution

December 26, 2016

Futurity article: Computer Model Is ‘Crystal Ball’ for E. Coli Bacteria

October 28, 2016

Multi-omics integration accurately predicts cellular state in unexplored conditions for Escherichia coli is published in Nature Communications

October 7, 2016

A Parts Database with Consensus Parameter Estimation for Synthetic Circuit Design is published in ACS Synthetic Biology

July 25, 2016

A data-driven, machine learning framework for optimal pest management in cotton is published in Ecosphere

March 31, 2016

Kinetic Characterization of 100 Glycoside Hydrolase Mutants Enables the Discovery of Structural Features Correlated with Kinetic Constants is published in PLoS One

January 27, 2016