Combining proteomics and metabolomics to assess protein digestibility.


BWCNN: Blink to word, a real-time convolutional neural network approach

Proceesings of International Conference on Internet of Things (ICIOT 2020), Honolulu, 2020
[C17] Ramli, Albara Ah, Rex Liu, Rahul Krishnamoorthy, Xiaoxiao Wang, Ilias Tagkopoulos, and Xin Liu.

Parameter inference for gene circuit models

Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Bio-design Automation, IWBDA’15, Seattle, 2015
[C16] Huynh, Linh, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

Integration of circuit design automation and genome-scale modeling

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Bio-design Automation, IWBDA’14, Boston, 2014
[C15] Huynh, Linh, Minseung Kim, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

An integrative genome-scale E. coli model and targeted experimentation methodology for systems and synthetic biology

2nd Conference on Quantitative Biology, q-bio’14, Hawaii, 2014
[O15] Kim, M., J. Carrera, L. Huynh, R. Estrela, N. Rai, A. Tsoukalas, and I. Tagkopoulos.

Petascale Simulations of Complex Biological Behavior in Fluctuating Environments

2nd NCSA Blue Waters Symposium for Petascale Science and Beyond, Champaign, IL, May, 2014
[O16] Tagkopoulos, Ilias.

Optimizing module matching for synthetic gene circuit design automation

Proceedings of the 5rd International Workshop on Bio-design Automation, IWBDA’13, London, 2013
[C14] Huynh, Linh, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

Cross-stress protection in bacteria: an evolutionary perspective

Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology, UCSC, 2013
[O10] Tagkopoulos, Ilias.

Quorum Sensing in Bacteria

NSF BioMath Module, COMAP, pp. 1-42.
[O13] Evitts, T., K. Gabric, and I. Tagkopoulos.

A automated synthetic gene circuit design tool based on mathematical optimization

1st Conference on Quantitative Biology, q-bio’13, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2013.
[O14] Carrera, J., L. Huynh, and I. Tagkopoulos.

Scaling responsibly, Towards a reusable, modular, automated gene circuit design

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Bio-design Automation, IWBDA’12, San Francisco, 2012
[C11] Huynh, Linh, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

A robust, library-based, optimization-driven method for automatic gene circuit design

2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS), Las Vegas, NV, pp.1-6, 24-26, 2012
[C12] Huynh, Linh, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

A Bayesian network for early diagnosis of sepsis patients: a basis for a clinical decision support system

2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS), Las Vegas, NV, pp.1-5, 23-25, 2012
[C13] Gultepe, Eren, Hien Nguyen, Timothy Albertson, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

Guided step-wise adaptation of microbial populations

7th Annual Systems-to-Synthesis Symposium, San Diego, CA, 2012.
[O8] Mozhayskiy, V., M. Dragosits, and I. Tagkopoulos.

Network floods reveal regulatory control flows and minimal networks in synthetic and bacterial datasets

20th Annual Conference on Intelegent Systems for Molecular Biology, ISMB2012, Long Beach, CA. 2012.
[O9] Pavlogiannis, A., V. Mozhayskiy, and I. Tagkopoulos.

Synthetic biology and evolutionary aspects of internal and external stress for industrial microbiology

4th ÖGMBT annual meeting, September 17-19, 2012, Graz, Austria.
[O11] Dragosits, M., et al.

Guided step-wise adaptation of microbial populations in silico and in vivo

7th Annual Systems-to-Synthesis Symposium, San Diego, CA, 2012
[O12] Mozhayskiy, V., M. Dragosits, and I. Tagkopoulos.

Automated Design of Synthetic Gene Circuits through Linear Approximation and Mixed Integer Optimization

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Bio-design Automation, IWBDA2011, San Diego, 2011
[C7] Huynh, Linh, John Kececioglu, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

In silico Evolution of Multi-scale Microbial Systems in the Presence of Mobile Genetic Elements and Horizontal Gene Transfer

ISBRA2011, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, LNBI 6674, pp.262-273, Springer, 2011
[C8] Mozhayskiy, V. , and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

A Scalable Multi-scale Framework for Parallel Simulation and Visualization of Microbial Evolution

TeraGrid2011; Salt Lake City, Utah, 2011, DOI:10.1145/2016741.2016749 (Best Paper Award)
[C9] Mozhayskiy, Vadim, Bob Miller, Kwan-Liu Ma, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

EVEVis: A Multi-Scale Visualization System for Dense Evolutionary Data

1st IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, pp. 143-150, Providence, Rhode Island, 2011
[C10] Miller, Robert, Vadim Mozhazskiy, Ilias Tagkopoulos, and Kwan-Liu Ma.

Facilitated Variation of in silico Microbial Populations Affects Evolutionary Rates

Poster and Talk, 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Changsha, China, May 2011.
[O4] Mozhayskiy, V., and I. Tagkopoulos.

Automated Design of Synthetic Gene Circuits through Linear Approximation and Mixed Integer Optimization

Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Bio-design Automation, IWBDA’11, San Diego, 2011.
[O5] Huynh, L., J. Kececioglu, and I. Tagkopoulos.

Microbial Evolution in Stressful Environments: Theory and Experiments

Poster, 11th Conference on Microbial Genetics and Ecology, BAGECO’11, Corfu, Greece, 2011.
[O6] Tagkopoulos, Ilias.

Self-regulatory circuits for recombinant protein production

Poster, 11th Conference on Microbial Genetics and Ecology, BAGECO’11, Corfu, Greece, 2011.
[O7] Tagkopoulos, Ilias.

Simulations of Microbial Evolution in Fluctuating Environments

Poster, 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, ISMB’10, Boston, 2010.
[O1] Mozhayskiy, V., and I. Tagkopoulos.

Emergence of Robust Biological Networks in Petascale Simulations of Bacterial Evolution

Abstract, Extreme Scale I/O and Data Analysis Workshop, NSF/NCSA/TACC, Austin, TX, 2010
[O2] Mozhayskiy, V., and I. Tagkopoulos.

Large-scale Evolutionary Simulations of Complex Microbial Behaviors in Dynamic Environments

Poster, 9th Annual International Conference on Computational Systems Bioinformatics, CSB’10, Stanford, 2010.
[O3] Mozhayskiy, V., and I. Tagkopoulos.

Multi-Metric and Multi-Substructure Biclustering Analysis for Gene Expression Data

CSB2005, Proceedings of the IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, pp.123-134, Stanford, California, 2005.
[C3] Kung, S.Y., Man-Wai Mak, and Ilias Tagkopoulos.

Multi-class Biclustering and Classification Based on Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks

BIBE2005, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Symposium on Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, pp. 89-96, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2005
[C4] Tagkopoulos, Ilias, Nikolai Slavov, and S.Y. Kung.

A Transcriptional Approach to Gene Clustering

CIBCB2005, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, pp.1-7, San Diego, California, 2005. (student paper award)
[C5] Tagkopoulos, Ilias.

Gene Classification and Regulatory Prediction Based on Transcriptional Modeling.

Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT2005, pp. 29-34, Proceedings of the Firth IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, Athens, Greece, 2005.
[C6] Tagkopoulos, Ilias, and Serpanos, D.

A Custom FPGA for the Simulation of Gene Regulatory Networks

GLSVLSI2003, Proceedings of the 13th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pp. 135-141, Washington D.C., 2003
[C2] Tagkopoulos, Ilias, Charles Zukowski, German Cavelier, and Dimitris Anastassiou.

Comparison of DWT Scheduling Algorithms Alternatives on Programmable Platforms

ISCAS2001, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, , pp. 761-764, vol. 2, Sidney, Australia, 2001
[C1] Zervas, N.D., I. Tagkopoulos, V. Spiliotopoulos, P. Anagnostopoulos, D. Soudris, and C. E. Goutis.