New article in Nature Communication

A new publication from Xiaokang Wang, Navneet Rai, Beatriz Merchel Piovesan Pereira, Ameen Eetemadi, and Ilias Tagkopoulos. How to design experiments that accelerate knowledge discovery on complex biological landscapes remains a tantalizing question. In this paper we designed an optimal experimental design (coined OPEX) framework to guide omics experimentation by selecting the most informative experiments to perform. Additionally, we identified several cases of cross-stress protection and vulnerability in E. coli in several abiotic stress conditions.

Reference: Wang, Xiaokang, Navneet Rai, Beatriz Merchel Piovesan Pereira, Ameen Eetemadi, and Ilias Tagkopoulos. “Accelerated knowledge discovery from omics data by optimal experimental design.” Nature Communications (2020). doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18785-y (link)